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30 November 2008

A Very Super Parade

Brantford should be proud of itself!

As a participant in the Santa Clause Parade for over a decade, and before that a spectator for over another decade, I have seen many a parade.

This year was perhaps the finest though, the entire route from what I noticed was lined at least 3 deep and in many places much more. The weather was awesome, usually I am frozen solid after that long march, this year though I was fine.

Personally, the Band I was performing with sounded awesome, and from hearing the warm-ups in the Band staging area I know the other bands sound spectacular.

From what I saw on Rogers the floats looked pretty good, I'm not sure what other cities have, but I think we can safely say we have one of the best.

I was glad to see that good ole Saint Nick stopped by Harmony Square, its great to have a place for the parade to end and kick off a season of skating. We should all be proud of our annual Santa Clause Parade!

I look forward to the 2009 Parade, I have no doubt that JCI will organize another great parade, our horns are already warming up for next November, lets hope the temperature is the same next year.