Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

24 March 2008

Pouring Sugar in the Gas Tank

This is where I have gotten my inspiration for my post:

Ontario is considered to be the economic engine of this country - with 40% of the population Ontarians hold much economic clout and as much their fears of the "R" word should be met with optimism.

However, the Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty in a partisan attempt at winning votes for the Federal Conservatives in the next federal election is goading Premier McGuinty into a fight over business taxes. Going as far as saying that Ontario is the least desirable place in Canada in which to run a business.

Being pro-business is fine; but branding the economic engine of the country as being the least desirable place to run a business is akin to pouring sugar into the gas tank of a car. It is irresponsible of the Finance Minister to speak like this. Canadians deserve better then a partisan hack dispensing "advice" to the provinces; especially Ontario which contributes more to Federal coffers then it receives back from the Federal Government. We've paid our dues and then some. Ontario's money goes to "equalization" (of which this author supports - in theory) and in response we get our economy hamstrung by the statements of an incompetent Finance Minister.

Say what you will about the dithering Paul Martin as Prime Minster; but he ran a tight ship as the Finance Minister and led this country (with the help of Uncle Jean) out of the economic wilderness and set us on the path of prosperity. For fiscal conservatives, the Harper regime is proving themselves as spendaholics and are treading very close to deficit spending - which will only serve to weaken our economy while we are tending to weather the recent economic storm down south well.

Jim Flaherty is not one to speak - his work as a Provincial Cabinet Minister during the dark years of Mike Harris destroyed the public infrastructure of this province.

Dalton McGuinty is right - this time. Ontarians of every politician stripe needs to stand behind our government and demand that Ottawa supports Ontario's economy - for the benefit of the whole nation.

Stephen Harper needs to reign in his Finance Minister - or be prepared to face the consequences in Ontario in the next Election.

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