Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

06 January 2010

Post #100: An Open Letter to Michael Ignatieff

Readers: To mark our 100th post, I am commenting on the news story that the Liberal Party is returning to Ottawa on January 25th, with an Open Letter to Michael Ignatieff I have further comments after the letter concludes.


Dear Mr. Ignatieff:

Canadians want Parliament to work.

We elected this parliament so that the business of the people could be conducted. I've read that you intend for your caucus to return to work on January 25th, even though Parliament has been prorogued.

We hope that Members of Parliament of all political stripes join your caucus in doing so. We pay you all far too much have an extended vacation. This year will be important to our economic recovery, and we need our elected representatives at work. Most of us are not fortunate enough to make 155 000 a year. Because of that we expect hard work to be conducted on our behalf.

I hope that you take this time to stake out a clear vision for Canada. For far too long you and the other opposition parties have stood for nothing - except not being Conservatives. This will not do.

You have accused Stephen Harper of eroding our democracy. But your party and that of the NDP and Bloc Quebecois have done nothing to defend it. You are equally guilty as the Prime Minister. Democracy only thrives when there are competing visions of the future.

The Liberal Party, as well as the Conservative Party, used to stand for something. Each with their own clear vision of Canada. The party of MacDonald has betrayed its honourable tory tradition, and the party of Laurier, Pearson, and Trudeau has lost its vision.

We expect more from all of you, especially you Mr Ignatieff, you have travelled the world, you have seen, especially by comparison to the rest of the world, how wonderful our democracy has been since 1867. Please don't let us down.


Readers: If you agree, please distribute via your blogs, e-mails, etc. I also encourage you to call your local member of parliament, regardless of party, to get back to work in Ottawa on January 25th.

Keep Watch.

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