Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

06 October 2006

Iggynation - The New Trudeaumania?

Is the self-proclaimed Iggynation an attempt to revive Trudeaumania in the 21st Century?

No it is not.

Trudeaumania was the product of the 1960s culture. However the "Iggynation" is the product of our current culture, we have the Leafs Nation, the Sox Nation, most professional sports teams have a "nation" behind them now. Michael Ignattieff's political advisors have smartly attached this to a political campaign, will it work?

The early results say yes, as it stands Micheal Ignattieff has 29.8% of the delegates, clearly the frontrunner. Now they have to capitalize on this to make sure he manages to win the leadership. Heaven forbid Bob Rae becomes Prime Minister.

Now you ask, why not Bob Rae? I'm from Ontario, I was a young lad during Rae Days, but I remember the counter swing... Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution, it all but destroyed Ontario. The man (Rae) is politically tainted; do we want a Harper Majority? NO. Bob Rae while now an elder statesman will destroy our party, and will give the Conservatives the chance and ability to become a majority government, punishing the liberal party to a decade of darkness.

I beg the delegates going to the convention to think ahead... we want our Caesar, and it is Michael Ignattieff.