Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

27 November 2008

Another Government Intrusion

I came across this on CTV:

I'm not a smoker, but this is a needless intrusion into the lives of Ontarians. Where are these intrusions coming from? Powerful lobby groups.

Last week it was poorly devised rules about new drivers pushed by MADD and others.
This week it is banning flavoured cigarillios pushed by the Canadian Cancer Society.
Do you see a trend developing? Our politicans are being pushed around by lobby groups with agendas.

Whats the next step? The Temperance Union making a come back and denying me the liberty of going to the pub and enjoying a pint?

I'm all for laws that protect the common good. Drunk Driving laws are an example, so are laws banning things like murder, or perhaps a economic stimulus package that will keep people working, and things such an environmental initatives. But sometimes enough is a enough.
Our politicans have far more important things to worry about. Our economy is weakening and Ontario for the first time ever became a "have-not province", our ecosystems are being destroyed by our dependence on oil.

Yet our elected representatives are wasting their time legistlating our lives. We are to blame for this, we have let the government get far too involved in our day to day lives. Pierre Trudeau once said, the state has no place in the bedroom's of the nation. He's right, and we ought to stand up and tell the government their job is to keep us safe, provide education and health care, keep the economy regulated, and give the less fortunate a hand-up.

I encourage you to contact your MPP and MP and tell them we want to them to stop legislating our lives, and getting to back to the real jobs at hand. Remember they are our employees, we are management, not them.