That's it, I've had it with Political Correctness once and for all.
I read this story below on CTV about a school in New Brunswick that doesn't play O Canada anymore because 2 (thats right Two) Parents complained.
What about the parents of the other children - should the will of two parents get to dictate policy over the majority?
The singing of O Canada is not an oppressive practice; if a parent doesn't want their child to sing then tell them not to sing, they won't get in trouble for it.
Your religion says you can't stand for it? When I was a kid those who had religious beliefs which said they couldn't left the room each morning.
Do you know what that taught the kids in the class? That you can be tolerant to other people and their beliefs and practices without sacrificing your own beliefs and practices - no one was made fun nor was anyone placed in an awkward situation.
I'm usually one to be on the other side of these "red meat" issues, but this is way too far. But I am fed up of average Canadian's have to give up what is most dear to them over a couple of complaints.
Inclusive? Yes. Tolerant? Yes. Giving up everything for the sake of a couple of complaints? No.