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15 December 2009

He's Barack Obama

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Word Association - #1

I'll post a word; you comment with your association.


Unions, would you like some whine with your cheese?

Is it just me or are unions (in general - I'm sure there are a few useful ones left) becoming annoying little fleas biting all of us whenever the mood strikes.

I was reading the Financial Post when this came up:

Well, you see the Unions apparently don't like the increased competition that Globalive (marketed as Wind Mobile) will bring to the market place.

I for one love competition and like the lower prices that come along with it.

Unions, go back to actually looking out for the little guy.

4 Lightsabers Up!

Brilliant; can't wait for the next installment.
Watch this; or cry.
P.S. The Elephant costs $58 000.