Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

20 December 2009

Leading by example.

An important rule of leadership is "Lead By Example".

Which leads me to this news article:

HM the Queen (of the UK, Canada, Australia, et al) has again led her people not by words but by deeds.

The United Kingdom is feeling the effects of this Global Recession, and it was responsible of HM to take the "regular" training instead of the 50K+ pounds it would have cost to have her Royal Train take her.

Perhaps her Prime Minister here in Canada could learn a lesson or two from her most gracious majesty when it comes to the subject of leadership.

Keep Watch.

Three Years of Silence

After taking power in 2006, the Conservatives feared a new Liberal "Rat Pack":

So where are they? Why are the Liberals truly afraid to attack and harass their enemy until victory is won?

Do they believe that silence and false outrage will win the next election?

Icons of our time: Dwight K. Schrute

First of all, I'd like to thank my good friend Kyle for making this his Facebook Profile Picture. I claim no credit for this, I just want to share it with you all!
Keep watch!

Why the success of Avatar matters.

Avatar: $232 Million worldwide in its first weekend. Amazing.

Apparently the film lived up to the hype, which has slowly been building over the last decade. This is good news for us out there who enjoy Hollywood movies. Why? Two words:

Original Idea.

There was no previous franchise (Batman, Star Trek, Transformers, etc). This movie was an original creation and wasn't engrained into our group consciouness before hand, driving demand. You could argue that James Cameron is a franchise unto himself, but this isn't that sort of blog!

Thank you James Cameron for keeping hope alive for an industry which has been as of late just repackaging old ideas, instead of creating new ones. I hope Hollywood will grow on your movies success not my launching a sequal, but by looking out for new ideas that will captivate and entertain audiences here and abroad.