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17 November 2008

Sabotaging Industry

A few weeks ago, I was pleased to see in the news that a company had decided to located at the currently vacant Blue Bird Bus Co Factory on Highway 53.

Today, I saw that local residents were attempting to hamstring a potential 100 jobs from arriving to our areas. There was reference to a residents home value. Guess what, your house will be worth nothing if the local economy collapses. We need those jobs.

As for enviromental concerns, I agree, all projects should go through rigourous potential enviroment impact analysis.

As for noise? My goodness, you live next to an Airport, and upto a few years ago one of the largest bus factories in North America, how could that be silent.

It's hard enough to encourage development in the area due to the Land Claims Issue, we had someone wanting to bring jobs, lets assume that 100 employees at an average of 45 000/year = 4.5 Million dollars coming into the economy each year.

We are in a near recession, we cannot afford to have these jobs move somewhere else. If I see the petition they want me to sign, I'll say "No thanks"