Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

28 December 2009

Adler Watch: Using the troops....

I was listening to Charles Adler once again (I know, shame on me). He was ranting about Heather Malik's article in the guardian (

With his broadcast, he offered to give her $133 towards offically moving to another country. Why $133 you ask? What could possibly be the signifigance of the number 133?

Because according to him thats how many we have lost in Afghanistan.

First of all he is wrong, its 134, we tragically lost a soldier on Christmas Eve. Secondly, how dare he use the memories of our fallen to try to score cheap political points against someone who has a viewpoint different then he.

Men and women wear the uniform of this country to defend us from our enemies. They have died in too many places defending the liberty of others, and Canadians.

It's the same liberty that Charles Adler takes advantage of when he uses our war dead to build his case of an argument against a fellow opinionist. Charles Adler, you claim to be looking for the "truth". If so, why do you try to obscure it by using our war dead?

Charles Adler, you might just be the worst person on Canadian Radio.

Shame on you.

Keep Watch.