Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

25 March 2008

A "Tory" Response

A friend of mine, who is also a contributor, and myself have been debating recently the merits of a Canadian Republic. He is a proponent of such a change, myself I believe the status quo of this nation being a constiutional monarchy; it has served us well since 1867 and is stable enough that it should last as long as this nation retains its status as an independent nation.

He argues through most of his post about Empires and the negative effects Empire has had on Canada over the last 140+ years - to start off and make things more simple, let me concede the point that Imperialism/Colonialism is counter-productive to the growth and development of the modern nation-state.

Let me make my case for why Canada should continue to retain the Monarchy (read: Governor-General):

1) Provides for non-partisan execution of the powers of the Head of State. We can see in the United States how the partisan "vision" of the presidency can often lead to problems with the legislative branch of Government. The Monarchy is not the symbol of one politican party or another; but instead all Canadians.

2) The Monarchy can lend its voice and influence to causes that are sometimes overlooked by partisan bickering in the House of Commons and the Senate. Aboriginal Affairs; Women's Rights; Development of a Uniquely Canadian Identity have all been heralded by the Queen's representative.

3) Specific to Queen Elizabeth II, she keeps abreast of Canadian affairs even with a representative in Ottawa. She has been known to advise Prime Ministers of the best courses of action - her experience is unparalelled she has ruled as monarch for over 50 years. Her first British Prime Minister was Sir Winston Churchill; her first Canadian Prime Minister was Louis St. Laurent.

4) Canada was not designed as a republic. My friend in his post spoke of the "great experiement" of the US Republic. Canada, as much younger nation has been just as much as a testbed of ideas as the United States. The adoption of the Charter shows this. In terms of Human Rights and Social Policy we were not stained of the "original sin" of Slavery - we remain light years ahead of our southern neighbour.

5) If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

God Save the Queen, God Save Canada.

24 March 2008

A More Perfect Union

Pouring Sugar in the Gas Tank

This is where I have gotten my inspiration for my post:

Ontario is considered to be the economic engine of this country - with 40% of the population Ontarians hold much economic clout and as much their fears of the "R" word should be met with optimism.

However, the Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty in a partisan attempt at winning votes for the Federal Conservatives in the next federal election is goading Premier McGuinty into a fight over business taxes. Going as far as saying that Ontario is the least desirable place in Canada in which to run a business.

Being pro-business is fine; but branding the economic engine of the country as being the least desirable place to run a business is akin to pouring sugar into the gas tank of a car. It is irresponsible of the Finance Minister to speak like this. Canadians deserve better then a partisan hack dispensing "advice" to the provinces; especially Ontario which contributes more to Federal coffers then it receives back from the Federal Government. We've paid our dues and then some. Ontario's money goes to "equalization" (of which this author supports - in theory) and in response we get our economy hamstrung by the statements of an incompetent Finance Minister.

Say what you will about the dithering Paul Martin as Prime Minster; but he ran a tight ship as the Finance Minister and led this country (with the help of Uncle Jean) out of the economic wilderness and set us on the path of prosperity. For fiscal conservatives, the Harper regime is proving themselves as spendaholics and are treading very close to deficit spending - which will only serve to weaken our economy while we are tending to weather the recent economic storm down south well.

Jim Flaherty is not one to speak - his work as a Provincial Cabinet Minister during the dark years of Mike Harris destroyed the public infrastructure of this province.

Dalton McGuinty is right - this time. Ontarians of every politician stripe needs to stand behind our government and demand that Ottawa supports Ontario's economy - for the benefit of the whole nation.

Stephen Harper needs to reign in his Finance Minister - or be prepared to face the consequences in Ontario in the next Election.

The illusion of the Dominion, the dream of the Republic.

The following is inspired from a post from my other blog that has become stagnant.
You can read the original here:

I have decided to edit it and add a bit more to make it relevant.

A good friend of mine and I were talking a number of days ago about an officer at the Royal Military College who disagreed with the military’s rule that members of the forces must toast the reigning monarch. Refusing to do this it would be considered disloyal, which has accompanying punishments, all of which I am unsure of and so will not quote here.

To me, this brings up two very interesting issues:
1 - What role does Empire (both American and British) have in Canada?
2 - Would shedding our imperial heritage really hurt Canada?

Some dear friends of mine say that the Monarchy and our ties with the UK are what defines us and keeps us from becoming American. I disagree with this statement. Canada has done a fine job of feigning off Americanism albeit in the name of the “Commonwealth and Empire,” however, our reluctance to define what it is to be Canadian and our reliance on pretending to remain loyal to The Empire (that never gave a damn about us anyways) has skewed reality.

But, a friend told me, the monarchy recognizes the importance of Canada! The Queen Mum once replied to the question as to whether she was English or Scottish and replied that she was Canadian – she was probably drunk, and good on her for it! Much like her reply, our perception is based on selective memory, and gin.

It is because of the insecurities we have about our identity that we keep the Governor General, the Lieutenant Governors and our constitutional monarchy. Canadian tax payers are supporting institutions that archaic at best and wasteful at worst. It is time to perfect the grand American experiment. It is time for a Canadian Republic.

Our clutching to the constitutional monarchy is not surprising though, as WASP Canadians have for time immemorial had a romantic relationship with the Empire (a romantic and very one-sided relationship). Canadians have died for the follies of Empires over and over again. Canadians have been willing to gulp up the tripe fed to us. much like the rhetoric we see south of our boarder today. Much as the Spanish American War was fought because of WR Hearst's jingoism, so too Canadians were easily convinced that the Boers in South Africa were barbaric and a direct threat to the morals and authority established by the Empire (as defined by the so-called ‘White Man’s Burden’). Does this situation sound familiar?

Six times more during the 20th Century Canada would both directly and indirectly come to the aid of Empires that had created their own messes. In each of these situations, just as in the Boer War, many Canadians wanted to, and did, believe in the nobility of their fight and fought proudly and valiantly. It is in these wars that we are told we defined ourselves as a nation. But at what price was this nationhood, and who determined the currency? As it turns out, blood, slaughter and victory are the price – decided by those who used the same to build the Empires we have so gallantly defended. We’ve been lied to and abused and we should be very pissed off.


The slaughter/blood bath that was Belgium and France between the years 1914-1918 is where we tell ourselves that Canada finally became a nation. Vimy was where the stupidity and incompetence of the French and British generals was finally tossed aside. The Canadian contingent decisively beat the ‘Huns’ holding the ridge and marched into history as an army that wasn't lead by idiots and half-wits, an army that wasn’t lead by the imperial generals. The cost for this, however, was a great deal more than the trials of Vimy.

We also had to endure the Somme, Ypres, Passchendaele, the Marne, and countless others. Why? Because the "Great" Empires of Europe had been pointing loaded guns at each other for 50 years, just waiting to see who pulled the trigger first. The "Dreadnought Gap" (sound oddly familiar?) fuelled the first major arms race that lead to the Great War. And when the first shots were fired, Johnny Canuck gladly picked up his rifle and marched to the Maple Leaf Forever to the killing fields of Europe in support of the only thing we ever knew - the Empire.


This was the only war with an actual cause. A downtrodden and vanquished Germany that had been allowed to rot and fester for 10 years wanted revenge and respect. The Second World War really started the day the Treaty of Versailles was signed. In 1919 the victors basked in their dismantling and humiliation of the defeated Germany, when they were just as responsible for the war as she was. The apathy of three empires - British, French and American - let Germany rise once again, this time to single-handedly terrorize two continents under a ruthless and brutal man. These Empires’ lethargy in actually carrying out the stipulations laid out at Versailles led to Canadians once again being called on to defend the Empire that partially created its own mess. “The New World” came to defend the old (as paraphrased from Churchill when he was calling on the USA to aid Europe). But who was already defending the Old World? The Royal Canadian Navy, the Canadian Merchant Marine, the RCAF and the Canadian Army - we fought in North Africa and Italy, and had our own beach at Normandy. How was Canada rewarded? Dieppe. After all of our dedication and success we were still colonists; we were still guinea pigs.


A change in Empires: the Huns had been punished, and now the ‘commies’ were the enemy – the threat to freedom and liberty. Was the Korean War a police action or a flexing of might? This war was a challenge to the American Empire’s dominance in the Pacific. The world was once again convinced of the validity of the fight and marched in step with an Empire asserting its might.


Superficial defiance though the protection of dissenters (draft dodgers) masked the silent compliance and assistance to the American cause. Economically Canada was very supportive of the US war effort, of our big brother to the south.

Iraq I

A brutal dictator (who was openly supported economically and militarily by the US government) finally disobeyed his American masters. After the spin and jingoism were done, there was still lots of room on the bandwagon for Canada and the rest of the world to jump on. “How dare Saddam invade the small, peaceful, liberty-loving nation of Kuwait?” we all asked. But the real question was “How dare Saddam fly in the face of Washington?” Suddenly, the US government claimed to care about the human rights abuses that occurred in Iraq (such as the use of gas on Kurdish Iraqis); conveniently overlooking the fact that that gas had been procured from the United States. We weren’t told about that and suddenly, the world was ready to fight for freedom once again.


“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” syndrome led to American support of the extremist Taliban in fighting off the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Afghanistan, a very progressive country, was left as spoils to the Taliban after the Soviets withdrew. They did what they wished with the population, human rights be damned. As the Russians withdrew, so, too, did the concern of the Americans. And today, Canada is left, once again, fighting a war caused by the ignorance and arrogance of an empire - exactly where we found ourselves 100 years ago.

Why are we in Afghanistan? Because a CIA-trained, American-supported “freedom fighter”-turned-America hater decided to molest American interests around the world. Only after this campaign culminated in the 911 attacks did the American government become “concerned” with human rights abuses in Afghanistan (which, let us not forget, were perpetrated under the very people they had armed and left to govern it).

Once again, our men and women are fighting a noble fight to right wrongs and establish peace, order and good government following the meddling screw-ups of our imperialist neighbour to the south.

At what cost do we continue to support such imperial ambitions? We have already forgotten the lessons learned from Britain’s lofty ambitions, and now fondly remember, as we wave our Union Jacks and sing Land of Hope and Glory, a time when the “sun never set on the British Empire” (a saying to which Henri Bourassa once shot back that it “only goes to prove that not even god trusts the British in the dark”).

It is time to move on and away from our imperial mother and big brother countries. We need to lead by example, through tolerance, understanding and democratic rule. The American Republic was an experiment in those values; the outcome has so far proven to be another empire.

The Republic Canada would be a grand experiment, and one in which I believe we would succeed.

23 March 2008

Canadian Citizenship for Obama

Canadians need to stop whining about how we perceive ourselves - French, English, Newfoundlander, Westerner etc - and start working together to make this world a better place.

Very rarely can one look at a news service's paper or website and not find some person somewhere complaining how their region of Canada is misunderstood/needs more money/isn't given enough of a say. The very reason why we have so much regionalism in Canada is not because we're so big, but because we lack a leader who is willing to say "yes we are all different, now lets get over that and start working together." Barack Obama says that, and for the sake of the free world, I hope he believes it.

When is a political leader in Canada going to stand up and say "we're all in this boat together so lets make a go of it?" We don't have to agree, but we have to stop being divided. Division being the tested neo-conservative strategy of slamming all opposition. The Harper government is not above this. Furthermore, its survival has only been prolonged by the ineffectiveness and apathy of the opposition leaders.

Mr Dion may have been a great diplomat and back room politician, but it seems he is so afraid of an election because he knows he will lose, and inevitably lose his place as leader. The people are tired of listening to Mr Layton, if they ever actually did in the first place... And the Bloc... they're part of the problem in the first place. The Green Party, who?

If the Americans decide they don't want Barack Obama, I'd take him. He has a vision, and not a crazy vision either like Martin Luther(not MLK Jr if you were wondering). His is a real vision of hope and togetherness, which sounds like a bunch of hooey, but I think it's exactly what we need.