Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

13 December 2009

New Contributor

Hey all,

I'd like to announce a new contributor to The Centre Block. His name is Adam and he is a centre-right type of fellow, a self described red tory/blue liberal, and will no doubt be a welcome addition to the Centre Block.

If you like what you see here and think you would like to contribute, you are welcome to. Left, Centre, or Right I don't care. Extremists of any political stripe need not apply!


Corus - Making us all stupid, one radio host at a time.

Roy Green you sir, are a moron

Roy Green you join your cohort Charles Adler as one of the people poisoning the political climate in Canada.

I bashed my head against the steering wheel driving down the 401 today when I heard you say "Global Warming", your voice dripping with sarcasm, after you spent 30 minutes agreeing with a scientist who believes man-made climate change.

I happen to agree with you that cap and trade isn't the best system for solving our problem. I think, we as country should be selling our famous CANDU reactors to the US, China, and India. Decrease their dependence on oil and coal - and we make billions in construction, maintaince, uranium sales, etc. I'll talk about this more.

Our oil deposits should be an end to that mean, we can use present profits to fund future profits in another industry, and then use those profits to fund green energy technology here at home.

So, Mr Green, do us all a favour, turn off your microphone and give us back our airways for serious, balanced, political discourse. Instead of your pre-canned Fox News, Hannity approved dribble.