Canadians need to stop whining about how we perceive ourselves - French, English, Newfoundlander, Westerner etc - and start working together to make this world a better place.
Very rarely can one look at a news service's paper or website and not find some person somewhere complaining how their region of Canada is misunderstood/needs more money/isn't given enough of a say. The very reason why we have so much regionalism in Canada is not because we're so big, but because we lack a leader who is willing to say "yes we are all different, now lets get over that and start working together." Barack Obama says that, and for the sake of the free world, I hope he believes it.
When is a political leader in Canada going to stand up and say "we're all in this boat together so lets make a go of it?" We don't have to agree, but we have to stop being divided. Division being the tested neo-conservative strategy of slamming all opposition. The Harper government is not above this. Furthermore, its survival has only been prolonged by the ineffectiveness and apathy of the opposition leaders.
Mr Dion may have been a great diplomat and back room politician, but it seems he is so afraid of an election because he knows he will lose, and inevitably lose his place as leader. The people are tired of listening to Mr Layton, if they ever actually did in the first place... And the Bloc... they're part of the problem in the first place. The Green Party, who?
If the Americans decide they don't want Barack Obama, I'd take him. He has a vision, and not a crazy vision either like Martin Luther(not MLK Jr if you were wondering). His is a real vision of hope and togetherness, which sounds like a bunch of hooey, but I think it's exactly what we need.
23 March 2008
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