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15 December 2009

Unions, would you like some whine with your cheese?

Is it just me or are unions (in general - I'm sure there are a few useful ones left) becoming annoying little fleas biting all of us whenever the mood strikes.

I was reading the Financial Post when this came up:

Well, you see the Unions apparently don't like the increased competition that Globalive (marketed as Wind Mobile) will bring to the market place.

I for one love competition and like the lower prices that come along with it.

Unions, go back to actually looking out for the little guy.


Kirbycairo said...

Of course the more that unions look after the "little-guy" as you say, the better. However, the simple fact is that most of them do and to say that there are only a few useful unions left suggests a failure to understand the fundamental mechanisms of contemporary capitalism. One need only go to a thrid-world country to see what our own country would look like if we didn't have unions. I spent time living in El Salvador looking at just how bad it is for people without any real rights, Without unions, legislators like Harper would bring us back to that state of affairs as quickly as they could.

James M said...

I reject the theory that without unions we would go back to the employment dark ages.

People here expect more.

I support labour rights, and I support unions.

But unions have become corrupt in my mind and largely do not look out for the best interests of their members.