30 November 2008
A Very Super Parade
As a participant in the Santa Clause Parade for over a decade, and before that a spectator for over another decade, I have seen many a parade.
This year was perhaps the finest though, the entire route from what I noticed was lined at least 3 deep and in many places much more. The weather was awesome, usually I am frozen solid after that long march, this year though I was fine.
Personally, the Band I was performing with sounded awesome, and from hearing the warm-ups in the Band staging area I know the other bands sound spectacular.
From what I saw on Rogers the floats looked pretty good, I'm not sure what other cities have, but I think we can safely say we have one of the best.
I was glad to see that good ole Saint Nick stopped by Harmony Square, its great to have a place for the parade to end and kick off a season of skating. We should all be proud of our annual Santa Clause Parade!
I look forward to the 2009 Parade, I have no doubt that JCI will organize another great parade, our horns are already warming up for next November, lets hope the temperature is the same next year.
27 November 2008
Another Government Intrusion
I'm not a smoker, but this is a needless intrusion into the lives of Ontarians. Where are these intrusions coming from? Powerful lobby groups.
Last week it was poorly devised rules about new drivers pushed by MADD and others.
This week it is banning flavoured cigarillios pushed by the Canadian Cancer Society.
Do you see a trend developing? Our politicans are being pushed around by lobby groups with agendas.
Whats the next step? The Temperance Union making a come back and denying me the liberty of going to the pub and enjoying a pint?
I'm all for laws that protect the common good. Drunk Driving laws are an example, so are laws banning things like murder, or perhaps a economic stimulus package that will keep people working, and things such an environmental initatives. But sometimes enough is a enough.
Our politicans have far more important things to worry about. Our economy is weakening and Ontario for the first time ever became a "have-not province", our ecosystems are being destroyed by our dependence on oil.
Yet our elected representatives are wasting their time legistlating our lives. We are to blame for this, we have let the government get far too involved in our day to day lives. Pierre Trudeau once said, the state has no place in the bedroom's of the nation. He's right, and we ought to stand up and tell the government their job is to keep us safe, provide education and health care, keep the economy regulated, and give the less fortunate a hand-up.
I encourage you to contact your MPP and MP and tell them we want to them to stop legislating our lives, and getting to back to the real jobs at hand. Remember they are our employees, we are management, not them.
26 November 2008
Hi, my name is Canada, and I have a problem.
Over the last month we have seen gas prices drop to levels we have seen in years. This has been caused be a couple of things (though these aren't the only reasons):
- People cutting back on driving due to prices.
- Less demand due to the current economic climate.
Now before we pull our SUV's out of the garage and celebrate with a drive out to California and back, let us resolve to send a message, we are ending our addiction to oil.
I urge you to continue to buy the fuel efficient cars, the hybrids, the smaller cars, etc. Keep carpooling, keep walking or taking public transit. Park the car and walk into the Tim Hortons instead of idling in the Drive-Thru(through?).
On a side-bar, if you are in the drive-thru at Tim Hortons you better only be buying coffee and donuts, otherwise you are wasting everyone's time. The drive-thru is for Coffee and Donuts only.
Kick the habit, and in the next couple of years, if you can afford it, go out and buy those next Generation Cars, like the Chevy Volt our the Plug-In Prius.
The only way this economy will truly recover is if we invest in the New Energy Economy, without oil.
As with any addiction, the first step is realizing you have a problem.
21 November 2008
200 Reads and Counting
So far my three most popular posts have been: Downtown Delays, Watching the Planets, and by Top 10 List for incoming MP Phil McColeman.
Since you folks are reading, I am going to keep writing. I'd like to thank you for your readership so far, I know with all the different aspects of brantNOW.com that reading my blog could be an easy oversight. But so far you've made it a success.
I do have a request for you though, I am sure that 100% of you do not agree with me. I don't expect it, and I expect to be challenged. If you want to have a discussion, please head over the Forums where you will meet a willing foe for a friendly debate on the issues. There are already numerous excellent discussions in progress and your added voice would be welcome! I warn you though come with evidence to back you up!
It's been a pleasure so far, prepare for my Top 10 List for former MP Lloyd St. Amand, it'll be a riot!
I'll see you when I see you.
18 November 2008
10 Things Phil McColeman Should Do
2. Realize that you are a backbencher - don't overstep (no press conferences in the National Press Gallery until your second term). Harper doesn't seem to like noise coming from behind him; I think he is easily startled. That said, don't be a yes man, you work for us, not him.
3. Visit Brantford as much as possible. While it's important that you represent our interests, make it a point to be back at least twice a month if not more. We don't want an Ottawa Resident as our Member of Parliament. Consider Ottawa to be a smelly place, and the longer you stay there the worst you smell. We like fresh smelling MPs.
4. See #1.
5. See #4.
6. Give good speeches - short, to the point, and where appropriate funny. Hire an unemployed Political Science student to write speeches for you. There is lots to choose from, so don't worry about having to pay them a lot.
7. We want action, not talk. Your predecessors delivered action; we expect the same from you. Use that Poli Sci student to draft some policy for you.
8. Get us government goodies, you said we needed a MP on the Government side of the House of Commons, prove it. Every time you do #3 on this list, you better have a big cheque with you.
9. Be the leader we need, not the leader we want. These are serious times and it calls for serious leadership. Don't do what's popular, do what is right. If a vote with the government will hurt Brant - vote against it. If you get removed from caucus, so be it, you stood up for your constituents and that's what matters most. You'll win respect and votes in the next election. Remember, your predecessor lost after doing a good job, we in Brantford aren't afraid to fire people to give someone else a chance.
10. See #1-9, repeat as often as necessary.
Please see Comment #3 for explanation.
17 November 2008
Sabotaging Industry
A few weeks ago, I was pleased to see in the news that a company had decided to located at the currently vacant Blue Bird Bus Co Factory on Highway 53.
Today, I saw that local residents were attempting to hamstring a potential 100 jobs from arriving to our areas. There was reference to a residents home value. Guess what, your house will be worth nothing if the local economy collapses. We need those jobs.
As for enviromental concerns, I agree, all projects should go through rigourous potential enviroment impact analysis.
As for noise? My goodness, you live next to an Airport, and upto a few years ago one of the largest bus factories in North America, how could that be silent.
It's hard enough to encourage development in the area due to the Land Claims Issue, we had someone wanting to bring jobs, lets assume that 100 employees at an average of 45 000/year = 4.5 Million dollars coming into the economy each year.
We are in a near recession, we cannot afford to have these jobs move somewhere else. If I see the petition they want me to sign, I'll say "No thanks"
12 November 2008
Downtown Delays
With all the delivery trucks, construction, and pedestrians breathing life in to our downtown, it brings to mind, whats the plan?
The City has a downtown revitalization plan, but to see it in action you see a collection of individual efforts to revitalize our central core. The City of Brantford website states "The Downtown Master Plan will identify the action items necessary to achieve this outcome of Councils approved Community Strategic Plan, to make Brantford's "downtown vibrant and successful- the hub for its citizens, students, businesses, visitors and government".
So far, so good right?
A visit to their site shows numerous reports - but I find no eventual goal other to make it vibrant and successful.
How do we want our downtown to be shaped? Do we want it to be a burgeoning university district with cafes, shops, etc to service students? Perhaps instead we want to encourage businesses and professionals to set up shop? Or do we want both?
We need a plan and course accessible to all citizens - I call on our leaders to communicate its plan with us.
Need for News - Originally Posted : 12 Nov 08
125 000 people.
That's what Statistics Canada states is the approximate population of the Brant. How many major sources of news and opinions are there?
The Brantford Expositor and CKPC are no doubt diligent and hardworking media entities. But, how many people outside of their place of business listen to CKPC? What do people read first, the Expositor or the Toronto Star, National Post, or Globe and Mail? Is it not a sad fact that these questions even need to be raised?
There is a saying, all politics is local. We only get two sources for political news, that's it. HI'm not questioning the integrity of the Brantford Expositor, but one source of news does not serve the democratic interests of our citizens. I'm sure Mr. St Amand in 2004 and 2006 can tell you how important the Expositor's endorsement was to his electoral success in those elections. I'm also sure that Mr. McColeman can tell you how important it was this year in his upset of Mr. St Amand.
My point, the Expositor is a trusted source of news and opinion due to its fact it is the only source of news in town. There is no discourse, no differing opinions. The Expositor can't cover all the news, how many critical stories about the issues and about the residents of our area have been left unheard because of the limited resources of the only paper in town.
A well-informed citizenry is essential to the ideals of democracy and community. We need to hold the fire to the feet of our elected representaives, and the only method we have is the media.
In this year 2008, we should begin the task of moving past the media of previous generations and embrace the so-called "new media". We can't expect this city to join the 21st century if we rely on the media of the 20th. Your city deserves better, your neighbour deserves better, you deserve better, and your children, our future, deserves better.
04 November 2008
Obama - 103 EV; McCain - 34 EV
Obama leads on Ohio, Florida, North Carolina. McCain in Indiana and Virginia.
The results are interesting. McCain is still alive, sorta. But losing Pennslyvania was perhaps a bad omen.
If the Gary area goes for Obama he'll likely take Indiana.
The dream might be coming true.
Obama for America.
Election Watch: 3:15pm
I have say, I am cautiously optimistic, but scared of what might be. Can all the polls possibly be wrong?
If they are, I truly fear for the future, and weep for it as well, because in the year 2008 our neighbours from the south could have revolutionized they way the world sees them.
I'm not unbiased, I wish and pray for an Obama Victory. It's days like today I wish I was a US Citizen.
At this point, I have just three words: Obama for America