Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

13 February 2006

Why is no one calling David Emerson a Whore?

If you recall when Belinda Stronach croseed the floor to join the Liberal Party, some members of the now governing party went as far as to call her a whore. Now that David Emerson did the same thing, he's apparently standing up for Canada.

The Conservatives need to practice what they preach in order to win a majority, as a Liberal, I am more then happy to watch the Conservatives implode before they even sit in the House of Commons, as a Canadian though, I am sad to see another example to why we have a cynical electorate.

Garth Turner is being reprimanded for speaking his mind, yet the Conservatives wanted to restore the voice of MPs in Parliament, where is that freedom? Will it exist when policies such as revoking the right to Same-Sex Marriage, and eventually abortion come back to the table, or the Conservatives force their MPs to follow the party line.

Stephen Harper said Canadians voted for change, well Canadians are asking him, where's the change?

Maybe we would have been better off with another Liberal Minority... at least we know where they stand.

Or maybe we should just start calling Emerson a whore...

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S.K. said...

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