Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

06 September 2007

Its Easy To Bash the Dead
Mulroney is being daft again - Canada's worst former Prime Minster who is in the midst of his history being raked over the coals has decided for no reason to bash Trudeau, the most bashed man in Canadian politics. Now when the man was alive and able to defend himself thats one thing. However, The Rt. Hon. P.E. Trudeau sadly is dead, and in no position to defend himself. History can be twisted, but the essence of man does not, and cannot change. PET's essence was Canada itself.

If we went though Meech, we would be letting Canada go with a whimper. One only needs to look at Belgium to see what Meech like results would have given us, that country is on the verge of splitting into pieces. Trudeau saved Canada from that. We've survived separatism and the federation is strong.

Mr. Mulroney shut your mouth and spend the time defending yourself. You are just bitter that Canadians love Trudeau while they revile at your name.

Vive les Canada!


Red Tory exposed said...

Cowardice comes in many ways, but I believe that bashing someone with words, after this persons death, in which, as you say, they can not defend themselves, is one of the worse. But then, what else can we expect from mulroney, here is a message for him, meech and charletown, was a bad idea, so said the people of this country, including P.E.Trudeau, history will remember you, you little man, you little coward.

MJB said...
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MJB said...

Mulroney was worse than Bennett???

I guess if we can't criticize the dead we should stop our critiques of Nixon, Churchill and Roosevelt.