Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

19 December 2009

Guess who didn't come to dinner?

*Slow Claps*
Way to be not invited Mr. Prime Minster.
You are a failure.


Rotterdam said...

Obama got snubbed by the Chinese.

The science is a scam, wake up.

James M said...

It's not a question of the science.

It's the fact that we were left out, and its due to our Prime Minister continually failing us on the world stage.

Our economy will only be successful if we can begin building important and lasting relations with the Chinese and Indians.

So far, we haven't


WesternGrit said...

I love complete fucking morons - who probably never studied "the science" past high school (if that) - trying to tell intelligent people about how they feel "the science" is flawed. These same people probably couldn't tell a test tube from a beaker, from a bunsen burner...

This is NOT a fucking debate about opinion, and "whose opinion is more credible". This is about scientific fact vs. greed and corporate money.

Loraine Lamontagne said...

Stephen Harper, quoted in Le Devoir today :

Stephen Harper a par ailleurs déclaré que la menace des changements climatiques était «absolument claire» en raison de la «prépondérance de preuves» scientifiques.

If you need a translaton:
Stephen Harper also declared that the threat caused by climate change is absolutely clear because of the preponderance of scientific proofs.