Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

16 December 2009

Parliament of Harper

From the National Post:

Proroguing again?

Generissimo Harper is looking to suspend parliament once again. It seems the cause is that the Conservatives are about to retake the Senate (Sorry Alberta, it seems the Senate Reform you want, will have to wait... forever).

The GG will likely do nothing and give in to his request. Though she is on the way out too, and I'm sure Harper will recommend the appointment of a Neo-Con Thug. Thus giving him control of Parliament and the Executive.

Now this article outlines some reasons why the government wants to prorogue. One of the key points being committees (even though the Conservatives hate Committees). However, I think its far more sinister... Harper and his posse is trying to get opposition to force an election right in the middle of the Olympics. Which would be a disaster for the opposition parties and hand Harper his majority (or as he calls it "his precious").

I think the Opposition should take it easy, let it happen and give the Conservatives enough rope to hang themselves with. With control of the Senate, the real right wing of the Cons will start to get a little louder, and a little scarier. John Baird is getting ready to turn it upto 11.

Oh yeah, Alberta, I need to remind you about that whole Senate Reform thing, and how its not happening. Just incase you forgot.

1 comment:

Marx-A-Million said...

I am running a Stephen Harper Photo Contest for Liberal Bloggers. Please come and participate!