Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

17 December 2009

Minister of National Incompetence


A Eliz. said...

Isn't Candu on our better reacters? Why on earth would they sell that out?

Ken S from Ramara said...

AECL has a few gems and a hole lot of junk in their portfolio. Any buyer would separate the good from the bad. Selling off the good to foreigners and shutting down what remains. Very few of the 30k jobs would remain in Canada!

Deja vu all over. Remember who gave away the Hwy 407? Harpo's Fin Min Jim Flaherty.

Fool us once shame on Harpo! Fool me twice, shame on us!

WesternGrit said...

It was Conservatives who helped kill the Avro Arrow too. They're just so bent on selling out to foreign (re: US) interests...

Platty said...

It was Conservatives who helped kill the Avro Arrow too.

So everything back 52 years is rellevant in todays political forum is it?

Good to know.....
