Ruling the Centre since 2006. The Life and Times of a country called Canada. Politics, Culture, and More.

17 December 2009

Time to "Unite the Left"? - Part One

Will they? Won't they?

On again? Off again?

This was what the 90s sounded like when it came to the idea of uniting the right; which eventually becaming conquering and pillaging the Progressive Conservatives. I still habour an opinion that given the self-destruction of the Liberal Party, that Peter MacKay could be the Prime Minister, leading a centrist government. But that's another story all on its own.

When 2010 rolls around, we'll see Stephen Harper still in command in Ottawa, it's been a brutal three years so far. All we get is Lies, Lies, and Coverups. 2008 was the year of the coalition - it failed miserable, because of two factors: Stéphane Dion and the Bloc Quebecois. Dion was weak, and no one likes separatists.

So what does this mean? Well in the coming years we'll see seats in the west explode, and the Conservatives are dominant there. Which means Harper (if he is still around) might be able to form a majority without Quebec at all. While this will be good because it will signal the end of the Bloc Quebecois (we can hope). It will be bad because the Conservatives will exploit the split in the left and be dominant for years to come.

Now, I like to at least try to be unbiased, but what the Conservatives (especially our PM) are doing with our democracy is a shame, and if left unchecked could lead to the end of our country as we know it.

This means the split in the left is a danger to our democratic survival, the Westminster Sysetem was never designed for this many parties, and the Conservatives are not taking care of our democracy. Over the next few posts, I'll be exploring a few options that the Liberals and NDP may want to consider in order to manage what could potentially be the biggest crisis progressive politics in this country has ever faced: A Conservative Majority not held in check by a Quebec Caucus.

Keep Watch.


Marx-A-Million said...

Hallelujah! I have been trying to make this happen for weeks!

James M said...

I'm not as left in the spectrum as you are, but we need to do something.

If a majority, or even close to a majority agree with the Conservatives, then rightfully so they should be the government.

But when 60% voted against you, then you have no mandate, or right to govern.